Do you need a car in Coolangatta? Compare car rental rates from several companies offering vehicles at Coolangatta Airport (Gold Coast Airport) and at other close by locations. Use our comparison tool to find deals provided by global companies such as Budget, Avis and Thrifty.
Book your car early as prices fluctuate depending on supply and demand. As you get close to the peak holiday periods, especially during the Christmas and Easter breaks, prices will go up. By booking early you’ll be able to lock in lower rates.
Most companies will give you the choice of prepaying for fuel or returning the car with a full tank. If you choose the first option, remember that you won’t get a refund for any petrol you don’t use up. If you choose the second option, remember to bring in the car with a full tank or you’ll get charged a premium for missing fuel.
Our cars come with unlimited kilometres, however remember to check the rental terms and conditions with your chosen provider, as there are restrictions to where you can take the car and who can drive it.