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Free USA Car Hire Comparison – Miami, Orlando, New York & More

Are you planning your trip to Florida and looking for a rental car? We’ll find you one from a trusted provider like Fox, Hertz, Alamo, National, Avis – at a low price, with free cancellation on most cars and no booking fees. We’ve got all the major US companies listed and charge no booking fees – so find the cheapest deals in a snap.


Additional Fees?

Are there any other fees I need to be aware of?

We provide you a total quote, however if you’re under 25 you will usually need to pay a young driver surcharge fee which is not included in the quoted price. If you decide to buy excess insurance or rent additional equipment from the car rental company you will be charged on top of the car rental quote. Some suppliers also have a fee for credit card processing.

Cheapest Insurance

What’s the cheapest way to get insurance?

It’s usually cheapest to arrange excess insurance ahead of time with a travel insurance company, your current auto insurer or credit card company. Get some quotes, arrange your own excess insurance and you’ll save compared to reducing excess directly with your hire car provider.