Page last updated: 11 October 2024

The Sydney Opera House is best known for its multi-purpose performing arts centre. The 2,679-seat Concert Hall is home to symphony concerts, choir performances, dance performances, and stage plays.

How many people visit the Sydney Opera House each year?

1.8 million tourists visited the Sydney Opera House in 2023.


How many people visited the Sydney Opera House in 2023?

How many people visited the Sydney Opera House in 2022?

How much do visitors spend at the Sydney Opera House every year? 

Sydney Opera House generated $104 million in 2023


How much did visitors spend at the Sydney Opera House in 2023?

How much did visitors spend at the Sydney Opera House in 2022?

Where do visitors to the Sydney Opera House come from?

Australia Travel Resources

Impact of the Coronavirus – Sydney Opera House Tourism Statistics

Australia Travel Statistics

Australia Outbound Travel Statistics Resources


  1.  SydneyOperaHouse: SOH Tourism Statistics
  2.  SydneyOperaHouse: SOH Annual Report
  3.  SydneyOperaHouse: Tourism Sales
  4.  SydneyOperaHouse: Chairman’s Message 2020